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Congrats to our new Hardcore gamers (above 99 posts)


ParoxysM & Wargasm

Congrats to our new Hardcore gamers (above 99 posts)


ParoxysM & Wargasm

WOW... all that ranting & hotair coming out of Wargasms mouth finally paid off. Congratz Wargasm!!


And so that he doesn't feel left out, WAY to GO ParoxysM!! :)


-- Nem B)







Oh well, no more posts, I just ran out of hot air. B)





Oh well, no more posts, I just ran out of hot air. B)


Here's a pump then, as we've just passed 1,000 total posts.... :)


Cool, now I just need to re-lite the burner.....hehe


The truth is I've always been a hardcore gamer, remember I'm a little older than most of you guys. I had over 200 games for my C64......all on 5 1/4" floppy's. I have a whole box of them in the attic, but I'm sure the data isnt all there, since I was using both sides of my 'single sided' floppy's to give me a wopping 360K (180 per side) on the disk. I wonder if I can sell them as antiques B)


Oh no, Better watch out, BoB and I will have to bust out with Muchman, TI Invaders and Car Wars.


- cassette loaded


save cs2

call clear

old cs1


- busting out my old modem for alittle online 300bps action



Im going to play some Atari 2600 games...KABOOM!!


Yea, I got one of them up there too....and 2 Sega Genesis's, 1 w/32x attachment.

How many of you guys remember Space Invaders? B)

Oh no, Better watch out, BoB and I will have to bust out with Muchman, TI Invaders and Car Wars.

B):) TI-Parsec!! & TI-Munchman!! :D:P






Kaboom for the Atari 2600 R*O*C*KS!!! Still one of my all-time favorites from that console. To bad I wear-out my Paddle controllers.... :(



Don't make me bust out my Commodore 64 & "UNLEASH" some Load Runner & Space Ranger on ya!! B)

You can take your program-hogging 64KB RAM and #@#$ it.... Our TI's only came with 16KB, upgradable to 48KB total. And to think I used to run a BBS off that system..... :)

Don't make me bust out my Commodore 64 & "UNLEASH" some Load Runner & Space Ranger on ya!!  :)

You can take your program-hogging 64KB RAM and #@#$ it.... Our TI's only came with 16KB, upgradable to 48KB total. And to think I used to run a BBS off that system..... :P

That's it, now you're gonna get it... I'm gonna break out the "Disk Drive Unit" that came with my Commodore 64 & cause some serious whoop ass damage to your precious TI system. The drive itself weighs a ton & should make quick work of ya :D


-- Nem B)

Don't make me bust out my Commodore 64 & "UNLEASH" some Load Runner & Space Ranger on ya!!   :lol:

You can take your program-hogging 64KB RAM and #@#$ it.... Our TI's only came with 16KB, upgradable to 48KB total. And to think I used to run a BBS off that system..... :o

That's it, now you're gonna get it... I'm gonna break out the "Disk Drive Unit" that came with my Commodore 64 & cause some serious whoop ass damage to your precious TI system. The drive itself weighs a ton & should make quick work of ya :lol:

-- Nem :wacko:

Muhahahah!!! :lol: Your disk drive is a light-weight!!! :ph34r: The TI's Perpheral Box!! :ph34r:




and brother does it come with a thick hose to smack you around with.... :P

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