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WNYG Club 500
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Everything posted by Conan4Life

  1. optical fiber does that... now run the fiber to my house but you need a system that can process/store that much data in the 1 second time... theory behind should be doable
  2. Conan4Life

    C&C:TW goes GOLD

    so i got a "copy" of this... goood, very good, nod ending was a bit of a let down... still working on gdi
  3. Conan4Life

    Xbox 360 v2

    ahhh the microsoft secret police will probally be cleaning that up shortly
  4. damn illness kicked up, slept though most of saturday, aiming for the april one
  5. first big bug when building the aircraft center, the orca strike is free and no cool down in the scrimmige area
  6. personally for the major release of dx10 hardware... current system runs everthing i want... AND THATS MORE THAN WOW.. no inot additcted http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/5465 thats what im waiting for, the multiplay should be sweet
  7. now get the gross income from that expantion 2.4 mil * 45$... on the retail side thats $108,000,000 in the first day
  8. seeing what my weekend schedule looks like, but so far i maybe free
  9. you know, if i had time to play, i would probally join up with this
  10. the big one, it loads faster than most anyother CnC outside the first one, the FMV makes nice return, its basically a rebuilt generals engine and the read me minor changes to the michanics to tiberium is annoying but its good! i thinking of finally breaking my boycott but i rather play as nod than gdi.... makes me want the game more
  11. bassically its Xbox live for pc, can can connect to xbox games, there for in theory you can play agenst people in halo while on a pc https://connect.microsoft.com/site/sitehome.aspx?SiteID=363
  12. hott, added to mine, gotta fine carmageddon again
  13. to quote Robot Chicken DAMNIT... DAMNITDAMNITDAMNITDAAAMNIT... ill get it tonight
  14. wholly cow, thats is sexy... and yall wonder why ihavent brought up upgrades for a while
  15. noter to self.... up date stuff you say your going to update so far in the main game in the demo version... you get objectives, compleat objective maps opens, compleat new objective, map opens up more, repete one map in the demp that had 5 parts and so far for the AI, turtle in make spy planes and kill commander with superweapons... or sprawl with lots of arttilery ... what i got out of it so far but thats AI
  16. woah 2004... i like [\/\//\/'/(,] now for , thats damn sexy
  17. http://www.supremecommander.com/ i got the demo off gamespy and its basic but purdy and a touch better than dirt farming, even tho that is still there got my feet wet in the skrimish mode and been trying to build up the tech tree and alot of the tools given are very pudy remo has 1 full side of the 3, 1 skrmish map and not shure of the campain probally be hitting that tonight if im free and for a newer game, it runs well on my medicore system
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