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WNYG Admin
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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. Hehe, sorry about that. Tankgunner and I can make a bad combo in the game now. Don't let it discourage you though. I'll warn you when we're coming next time. Dragon
  2. Our clan site is up, WNYG Clan. Hope to get everything finished up within the next couple days. But it's up and functional enough to be useful. I got a setup guide to get yourself into Ventrilo, so check it out and get yourself chatting with us. Dragon
  3. What's that? Woof down a gallon of milk and keep it down? Dragon
  4. That helps. If I'm in a squad and we're on a city map, if there isn't a 20 point difference between my squad members kills and deaths, I'm not doing my job. But that all depends on how good my squad is. Someone mentioned how good I was the other night and I told him, I'm only as good as my team. If we're all trapped at a spawn point, if I don't have a couple ppl that know how to get out of that situation to help me, we're all screwed and my skills won't help. Dragon
  5. We usually ask for $5 at the normal lans at B.Ob.'s house for pop, chips, pizza and tech support. At the VFWs, its $10 presale and $15 the day of. Nice sig sHORTy, that use to be mine, guess I'll have to start using it again. Dragon
  6. Well, we'll see what happens after this weekend. BF2142 is falling out of Xfire's Top 10, its in the 10th spot now. This weekend might bump it back up a little but I think it'll fall out of the top 10 shortly. Dragon
  7. There was a lan yesterday? You know, I think I was there. Dragon
  8. Hey, no bumping 3 yr old topics. Dragon
  9. I haven't said anything cause I've been pondering the idea since we got the server. Sufficit to say, we'll probably start a clan to play on the server. I'll let you guys know after the lan this weekend what's going on. On a side note, I have the tag because I hate being bugged by clans when I play on their server to join their clan. I get asked about the tag too, so its been a little bit of advertising for WNYG. Dragon
  10. You have noticed when someone kills you it says what they used to kill you. Like, [WNYG]DragonFire[G36E][WNYG]ParoxysM. I'm usually right behind you with a knife. Dragon
  11. You forgot Jade Empire. Dragon
  12. Sleeps 3 So, who's sleeping outside? I have a 2 person tent and its just enough room, little room for backpacks and such. I'd go bigger, you'll be happier in the end and tents are so cheap now compared to when I got mine. Dragon
  13. Get Speical Forces, the sniper, spec ops, and medic gun unlocks are all great. First unlocks for plan BF2 are great too. I just tell ppl to unlock the kit they use the most first. I started playing as a medic right off so that was my first unlock. The first unlock for Anti-tank and Engineer are helpful. If you play for the situation, like you should, and say a tank shows up at a spawn point and kills you, you can respawn as either. For those times, its been nice to have the unlocks for those kits. But go for what you play the most. Dragon
  14. Yeah, Sony wishes they had the pc income Blizzard does for WoW!! Not really wiating for anything. I got FFXII NWN2 and CoH for Christmas. Thats enough to keep me busy. I am starting to get the itch to try another MMORPG again there. got a few people trying to talk me into WoW. I thought about Vanguard but all the reviews I have read say its a bear on the system. Well, Vanguard is an easy fix, turn your settings down. I know, its a sin but sometimes you have to do it. Dragon
  15. That's a good start. You forgot one thing, on someone elses backup pc. Dragon
  16. I'm gonna have it at our LAN, so we'll see what happens. If all goes well, we're gonna put it on the play list for March. We've never had a prob with AvP2, patch and map pack and your done. Then, step into the game and proceed to have the crap scared out of you by Dragon. Dragon
  17. Well, you can knock one of those off the list, Sin has been canned. Only games I care about off that list are; Crysis, Bioshock, Stalker, and maybe TDU(mp is really hurting and needs help asap). Dragon
  18. I was following Vanguard for awhile but I lost interest somewhere. They still going to have the monthly fee for it? I miss Guild Wars and still would like to get back into it. Thing is, I think that game is best enjoyed with friends. Dragon
  19. "Disarming their army was thought to be such a great idea... until they were invaded 2 mins later." Dragon
  20. Dragon

    TDU Open Beta

    If you guys want to have the cargasm I got to have for a couple weeks, the open beta for Test Drive Unlimited is up now. Go here very very fast Dragon
  21. Dragon


    Wonder if bklass will survive.... Dragon
  22. I don't know, WCG and BF2 don't seem to like to work together. Unless I remember to set the affinity for WCG, BF2 has a hissy fit. I guess I could try and remember to just set the affinity but that's just too much work for me . Dragon
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