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Everything posted by PurSuiT

  1. PurSuiT

    Halo 2 GOLD

    Microsoft did something on time for once and then sits around patting thier own back? I thought deadlines where made to be met. I can not really say much I feel the same way when I do all the dishes at once. We will see if all the hype is worth it or if they will find a couple of cups and a fork that went unnoticed next to thier keyboard.
  2. I will be flying in for it, You got my vote for playing some BF1942. See ya there!
  3. I notice that to. That must me in LAN years
  4. This is really old but is still to much fun. Need a windows version, only issue is most windows processes can not be killed. http://www.cs.unm.edu/~dlchao/flake/doom/ "Certain processes are vital to the computer's operation and should not be killed. For example, after I took the screenshot of myself being attacked by csh, csh was shot by friendly fire from behind, possibly by tcsh or xv, and my session was abruptly terminated. "
  5. Well, that sucks. Won't be the same without you. When are you going to be done anyway? Dragon Should be back sometime later December or early January
  6. No LAN for me. Found out today that everyone on the project is required to work on the 2nd and 3rd. :D :( :( B.Ob. - schedule another LAN for Nov 13th as that will be the next time I will be in Buffalo after OCT 1st -thx
  7. I think if you have not already done it that you should buy a power washer.
  8. Only issue with RE4 is it is will be a GC exclusive same that REZero was. So no GC no play. Reason I even mentioned Silent Hill 4 in the "New Software Releases" section was due to it's cross plateform release and its a really kewl game, played it for about 4 hours last night. RE4 looks awsome in part due to it's single platform release and the plot stealing from 28 Days Later. I would give them more credit if they @ least brought it to the PC as we all know that a PC can still cream any console in the graphics area. I know I might hear some of crap about the last comment, but PC have been better. Silent Hill 4 @ ign.com
  9. Just got this for the xBox as a Resident Evil replacement, damn them for not bring that to the xBox. I loved Resident Evil 2 and 3 on the PC but was looking for something for the xBox that was simalur and came accross the Silent Hill series. Bought Silent Hill 4 for the xBox before I relized it is out on PC and PS2 also. If anyone is a fan of the Resident Evil series or Max Payne series I suggest checking out this game. Silent Hill 4 - The Room
  10. PurSuiT

    BTX debuts

    I read that same article 10 years ago when gateway was one of the first companies to use ATX motherboards. All the issues that BTX is supposed to solve are the same that ATX was going to solve over AT boards. "The more things change the more they stay the same"
  11. Figured maybe I could coordinate something with Heather on my day off to pick up the tables! I will be in town this weekend just let me know.
  12. PurSuiT

    Halo 2

    Halo 2 Limited Collector's Edition pre-order 11/08 The limited edition 2-DVD disc set contains - The entire Halo 2 game and a second DVD with bonus content: - The Making of Halo 2: Behind the scenes of Bungie Studios - Featurettes on game design, animation, music and more - Deleted cinematics and characters - Art gallery, from concept to game - Commentaries from the development team, and much more
  13. Flight is booked. BTW B.Ob I still have 2 of your tables and my 2 tables to get back up to your house
  14. Now that is reverse engineering.
  15. PurSuiT[WNYG] Looks good to me! About the logo... I think we have an imposter
  16. Don't see why we couldn't all sit together... Its BYB4Me... I am camping out all weekend in the parking lot with a camper.
  17. Would not normally push LANs other then my own, but Mary, Bob, ect... and myself have been putting some of our efforts in to helping out with this one. If you have not registered and our planning on going try to get signed up and paid before July 9th to save $5 - $10 MassiveLAN Signup Should be a good time. The more turn out we get from WNYGamersClub members, The more exposure we get.
  18. Watch my SiG for on here or on IM/XFire to see IP an what game we are playing. Server is in the DMZ right now.
  19. Looks like we got plenty of room, table for 18+ and 2 ppl already in the building. So Bring whom ever you'd like.
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