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WNY Gamers
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Everything posted by Wrengardin

  1. Well, the boyfriend and I would be happy to host something What sorts of games do you play?
  2. Well, though I know most of you would be more into strategy board games (since this sounds like that sort of community), I more meant social, quicker games like Taboo, Scattergories, Therapy, Cranium, Scene It!, dictionary, snowballs, etc. I wasn't sure if anyone's gaming interest stretched into more of the social realm. Thanks for your replies!
  3. excellent! show pics when you have them. When I was a little girl, there were only two things in my family where my parents had the rule of, "if you can find them in the store, we'll get you one." One, of all things, were Berenstain Bear books. The other was transformers. We could never find any! I never even watched the TV show but would play with the toys all the time. Hey dragon, as you can see I'm new here. Do you know of any board gamers here for non-LAN people? You know, like board games. With plastic pieces and a board and chips and salsa on the side.
  4. And what'd you think of it? I thought it was a great ride
  5. Hey there! This is my first post on this forum.....basically, I'm relatively new to Buffalo and was looking for people who are interested in your normal "board game nights" (taboo, pictionary, settlers, cranium, etc....possibly with good food and wine.) Is this mostly for heavy duty gamers or would anyone be interested in setting something like this up? I'm also interested in local museums, coffee shops/tea houses, arts and cultural events, and that sort of thing. Thanks in advance!
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