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Everything posted by WarSpartan

  1. Gimme mah Far Cry !!! I have the demo version all ready to go. Far Cry is an easy install.
  2. *BOOM* *Reinforced exoskeletal acid filled cranial cavity shot !*
  3. Wow...just wow... Theres a lot that could be said about this, but I'll hold my opinion for diplomacy. I thank bob for the grace that he stepped in with in his above post, but Im still a little shocked.
  4. http://aliensvspredator2.filefront.com/fil...s/Map_Packs;172 The good one is Ultimate Map Pack 2. Then you can pick up Updater 1.0 and 2.0 for even more maps. If anyone has interest in the MW4 Mercs game there is a site that has a huge mech pack which adds like 40 new mechs and a boatload of weapons and maps to the game. I just finished grabbing that one. One thing I like about revisiting oldie but goodie games is theres so much good stuff that people make for better games. Gotta love the community
  5. Definately - Im game to go alien hunting for sure. I know another guy who will come fore sure as well for it. I also found a couple map packs for the game - so if we get bored with the originals at some point theres another 400 + maps to check out. Some different scenarios and all that jazz too if we want. NOLF 2 sounds great as well. I never did play Jedi KA or Desc 3.
  6. I dont know if there was a big difference in the game but it was MW4 Mercenaries Im playing and not the other 2 MW4 games (original & black knight i think).
  7. When I first went from MW3 to MW4 I actually hated it too. The pacing was different, and the way you drove the mechs was a little different. However I revisited it a little after that and found that once you gave the new stuff a chance it was quite good. It had become one of my favorites. Im playing it again now and its still hot I think if you try it now after being so long away from mw3 it might be enjoyable. From a single player perspective doing the arenas was as much fun as playing the campaign too. Multi you can fight on the normal maps or set it to play arena matches, good stuff. As for AvP2, definatley I love being the marine, i'll take on the aliens anytime.
  8. Been playing AvP2 with friends lately - its soo much fun. Its actually a little bit scary and exciting at the same time. Especially when the aliens and preds are on the loose. You can get jumped from any direction - including the ceilings and walls ! - and the little motion radar blipping off you know somethings coming to eat ya, lol. Good stuff. You can play it classic fps style and just run the marines / corporates - or you can get crazy and run the aliens and preds. Getting hunted by aliens players as the marines i got to say is exciting, scary, and major fun. MW4 is great as well. Running the maps or arena is great fun - then everyone can trick out thier mechs with the armor and weapons loadouts they prefer. All around some fun stuff. Even after all this time the games rock.
  9. Its probably too late for this lan but some games ive revisited lately and have been an absolute joy at lans have been: Aliens vs Predator 2 (so much fun) Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries Not sure if they were ever mainstream with you guys but man are they just plain fun :Busted:
  10. LOL Anyhow - is there a set games list yet ? Anything goes ? Tourney'ish stuff ? Or is it too early to know the scoop at this point. Tanky
  11. I hear that BF2 is starting to become popular with some of the members again. Could I expect a healthy dose of BF2 on saturday ? Tanky
  12. Bah thats what I get for not checking these forums for a couple days. I would have enjoyed playing the BF's for a day. :flush:
  13. I read on the official site that the spyware is supposed to be ONLY a check of your IP so that they can put in regional specific advertising. That seems light and easy enough to stomach - where is the info that indicates the spyware is a wide ranging data collection type of spyware ? Im wondering which of the stories is actually correct at this point.
  14. Just how retarded can they make a game before everyone including the fan boys tell EA to shove it.
  15. Yea the LAN definately wasnt happening considering most people in the area had no power at all. Heck even today I doubt the LAN would have been viable and thats almost 3 days later. I hope everyone gets back up to speed soon
  16. No kidding. All you have to do is grab an aircraft and ram it into anyone or vehicle on your team. Not only do you not get penalized for the teamkill - THE GUY ON YOUR TEAM YOU JUST TK'ED GETS THE PENALTY !!! I was killed 3 time in one round by a guy doing that and it said I just tk'ed him and i got the penalty EACH TIME. Bull F'ing S***. Oh and since we know how long it takes EA to put out a reasonable patch to fix this kind of stuff no way im messing with this game for about 3-6 months. Probably not at all in the end as BF2 way more fun even with its own set of bugs.
  17. LOL Well since everyone just skipped it and went to Flatout - i guess us racing boats and doing stunts was kinda like playing the same game ... :doh:
  18. Im a HUGE Battlefield 2 fan. But im not enjoying BF2142 much at all. Feels very one dimensional, hate the extraneous movement motion effects, hitting anything as infantry is a real crap shoot even if your aim is solid. Giving the vehicles only one ammo type / weapon type...wtf ? So in the future instead of improving our ability to perform warfare, we just get worse ?!? The mechs which would have been uber cool are just so blah. Its like driving in a shaky tank from BF2 with bad controls, lol. Heck you dont even have even a modest veritcal firing capacity with them. Overall it really feels like half the game BF2 was with worse mechanics. I make great kills and am usually one of the top scoreres, but Im just not feeling it. Ill give it a little more time and see if my feelings change. Ive gone from outright hating it to, it's okay but just not something great, and a few other games espeically BF2 do a much better job. Thats my take.
  19. Ummm...whatever :stfu: The point still stands.
  20. Weeee...downloading now. Anyone doing TS or whatnot for this ? Anyone planning to play it this weekend ?
  21. All well and good, however the only question is -> will anyone actually play ? Nothings more fun that sitting through a day of Q4 and Fear (bleh), to get to the Far Cry time slot and ... well ... play by myself ? :flush:
  22. I really enjoy going to LAN's but in the end online gaming seems to be the most consistent way to get to play games you enjoy. Ive always hated dealing with lag and potential haxx0rs but what are ya gonna do. On an oddball note -> Does anyone have any interest in playing a board game - Axis & Allies ? Doesnt have to be for the LAN, just wondering if anyone would have any interest in general.
  23. I wont be hitting NC or PA anytime in the near future for quickie mini lans, lol. If anyone in our area wants to do this let me know. I'd be game for some get togethers between lans that focus on one game. Right now fear seems to be hot as its a freebie online that we can play from home. Hamachi service will let us play just about any game we want amongst each other online like its a local lan game over the net. Ive used it quite a few times. Good option is not everyone has the "full" version. Used it to play far cry a few times with nice low pings. So im game for mini lans or online play.
  24. I like TS I told pursuit I'd look into getting setup with xfire. I havent used it since it first came out.
  25. Praise you mightly LAN maker !!! You have my eternal fragitude :dork: r0xx0rz
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