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Everything posted by Dragon

  1. Yup, thank god we have an inside guy to give us a heads up on these things. Mine didn't come back till sometime this afternoon. So, we getting a boost in speeds from this or is TW going to start giving us the shaft too . Dragon
  2. Not to nitpick, but how many times can you use the word "interesting" within 3 sentences. You need to take your job seriously and take a college english class or two. A two year old could write better than 99% of the stuff on the net. Anywho, looks awesome. Dragon
  3. Damn, thought he actually fit the Wii inside a laptop case, that would have been sweet. Dragon
  4. Well, Chronus and I ordered and will be playing. Both of us are on the Vilya server. Dragon
  5. I found out you can play online without buying anything. They give you a mp deck which you would really need to edit to make a decent deck. Dragon
  6. Found this the other day. Lots of fun if you like card games and Marvel characters. Free download for the pc demo, you can play a little singleplayer, online and lan. Online you have to buy cards to pay with but cards will transfer when the retail comes out and its only $10 to get yourself a deck and a booster pack. Lan play you can use the starter decks from the singleplayer. They seem to be having issues with production of the PC version so its been pushed back to June, but the free download makes up for that right now. Marvel TCG online Dragon
  7. Awesome, glad you found us. Lots of local boys here, couple in your backyard. We have our own BF2 Ranked server that some of play on alot. Enjoy your stay, hope to see you at a couple lans too, new targets are always welcome. Dragon
  8. I need about 5 ringers for a BF2 team, any takers. Dragon
  9. You do realize that those games will take more than an hour here an hour there to play. That's why we've been playing just the top 3 games voted on. You've been there, you've seen that ppl finally get their fill of the first game about 4-5, we start the second game and eat, play a little more, then move on to the last game for the night. Trying to crame 8 games into 12 hrs seems pointless. We don't even get through 3-4 in 10hrs at B.Ob.'s house. Something to mull over though. Maybe try to fit one more game into the mix. Dragon
  10. Yeah, I'm playing on Vilya server if anyone is interested. Dragon
  11. Yeah, thought I got an email about this event but wasn't sure . Dragon
  12. Just wondering if anyone has been watching this game and/or thinking about getting into the beta to try it out. I was thinking about searching out a couple WNY Gamers that would be interested in playing and start a Fellowship to play through some of the harder quests. Lotr Online Beta Sign up Its been pretty interesting so far, lot of the standard mmo gameplay. Already found a creature I can't stand up against and I'm only a couple hrs into it. Dragon
  13. I don't have a myspace.com page, I must be too old for it, but my brother has one here . Dragon
  14. WOW, Dragon is actually trying out another RTS game other than Company of Heroes?! That's it, this can only mean one thing... Hell must have frozen over!! Next thing U know he's going to be abducted by Aliens & get that "probing" that he's always wanted!!! -- Nem Whatch ya talkin' about Willis? I play plenty of rts games, CoH has just been the only really good one in awhile. I seem to have given up on Bfme2 even though I finally got it working on my gaming pc, probably too little to late. I've always played CnC aside from Generals . Played a lot of EE2 with a certain someone on these forums. TA when it was out but I still haven't sat down with Supreme Commander yet. When your not looking, I do play more than just BF2. Dragon
  15. Yes, it sooo reminds me of the first game, I love it. It is a little hard to change gears after playing Company of Heroes for so long though. Dragon
  16. I'm the resident musician around here, if anyone is going to get a job in sound engineering for a gaming company, its going to be me. Dragon
  17. I have it for the pc but with the Wii remote, it should at least put some of the feel of playing golf back into it. Dragon
  18. I'm really thinking about getting one now and picking up Tiger Woods for it. Since that'll probably be the only time I'll ever get to play golf. Can't seem to get out when I spend my summers mowing peoples' lawns all day. Dragon
  19. Dragon

    2 17" crts

    Hey, I'm upgrading my recording system a little and I'm dumping my 2 CRT's that I use. Both are in great condition, still have a lot of life in them. Not looking to sell both to one person, so if you'd like just one that's fine. Not sure about the price, so make an offer (no ParoxysM, I won't take $1 or less). Dragon
  20. Ummm, I was on it even before I posted the new ip here. Sounds like a user error on your end. It takes up to 6 hrs before it shows up in the BF2 server list. Dragon
  21. We got a NY server now. IP: Dragon
  22. I think we need to play some more AvP2 and more Coh is good too. Dragon
  23. Til 2am at least. After that it depends on how the peeps left are doing, we have actually had games going to 4am before. I seem to recall waking up at 6 AM to find Dragon strolling out the door You could have kicked me out sooner. As I remember PurSuit was also walking out with me around that time. Dragon
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