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Posts posted by ellilion

  1. Yeah it kinda of sucks sometimes, I kinda of had to fight with them about getting my modem replaced. But when I told them I knew what the issue was and that that modem had to be replaced they sent me up to lev 2 tech and it was resolved today!!! Got me one of those SB5100 now so hopefully I will be all set. WooHoo B)

    Adelphia is still a whole lot better than the dsl around here unless you want to pay $90+ for it a month. The phone lines in my area are so bad that they can't even hook up dsl to my house.

  2. Yeah like I said it's not to bad on my server right now, it maybe worst than I think because I haven't been farming the areas this guys usually do. I'm just glad blizzard has put some effort it to stopping it, now they need to fix all the other issues! LOL!

    I love the game but it has gotten to a point where i'm thinking about quiting, I have another 3 weeks before my time is renewed so if there hasn't been some improvement by then I might quit.

  3. this only reason im thinking of buying this game is because blizzard  goes to lengths to stunt BS like this. i just cant bring myself to play or  buy any mmorpg. i gave my gamespy beta test for the game/key to a friend to play to try it out. i just dun love the fps far too much

    If thinking about buying this game WAIT!!!!!!!! It has been horrible lately B) My server has been going down everyday for the last week. It's starting to really piss me off, most of my guild members can only play evenings from like 7-11pm and that's when there's the most problems. Example last night we were getting a party together for an instance raid just about to start and crash!!!! And I'm getting sick of the generic post they put up like this.


    1. 3/15 Select Realm Issues | 3/15/2005 7:22:34 PM PST


    Certain realms may be experiencing disconnects and latency issues. We are working on the situation and will update you as soon as we have more information.



    Argent Dawn




    Bleeding Hollow












    Shattered Hand







    Zul'jin Senior Game Master

    World of Warcraft


    or this


    Certain realms are currently experiencing performance issues. We are aware of the issue and are working hard to resolve it as soon as possible. We will update this thread with more information as it becomes available.


    Well they have 4/5/05 till my account is renewed if they don't have things under control by then I'm OUT.

  4. What a true waste of resources to actually take the time to do something like this when there are far more important things to be concerned about w/ this game, like keeping it up & running when something crashes/breaks. No matter how hard they try, they won't catch everyone.


    -- Nem

    Yes it is and it isn't, well they do have to fix other issues as far as server stablity and the constant down time that happens with at least half of the realms they have, mine being one of them. B)


    But it is a huge problem that does have to be fixed, this kind of thing inflates the economy of the servers to epic amounts. It keeps normal players from being able to be able to farm for money or rare items. They basically pay these guys in china or someother country like 40-45 cents an hour to farm the same areas where high level drops and coin are, and usually they try to force the normal players out by stealing everything from under players or keep challenging them to duels or killing them out right till they leave. They never talk to anyone or have any interaction with other players. I was reading that they usually have 2 guys per account working in 12 hour shifts 24 hours a day doing this. From what I've seen it isn't to bad on my server not yet anyways but I have run into some with my higher level character and let me tell you it was not pleasant. If I could have I would have strangled the person :evil: it sucks having to farm to find certain items or make some coin for certain things but when other characters are making near impossible for you to do that and make your playing time a pain in the ass and it makes the game not worth playing. I'm glad blizzard is trying to stop this kinda of thing as well as griefers(someone who just hassles other players for no other reason but to be a pain in the ass).

  5. I checked dslreports.com and I got the upload but the dl still sucks to high hell. I'll have to try it again sometime tomorrow, but its a start. Might start my own server now.


    I'm thinking of getting my own modem though. I was thinking of th SB5100. :rolleyes:



    I would go w/ the SB5120, it's the newer model & is supposedly better than the sb5100. I haven't seen the proof of this yet, but it's what I've heard.


    -- Nem

    Yeah I think I have to upgrade mine as well, I have an old SB3100 and the speeds are getting kinda of weird sometimes. I reset it and it will be fine for a day maybe 2 then my upload and download speeds start going all over the place. Nem maybe you would know but I heard my modem is just to outdated for the system they have running now but last time I called adelphia the guy I talked to chris(kinda of a weird accent maybe french or even indian) said he didn't think it was the modem or at least wouldn't admit it. I buddy of mine lives about a mile away and had same issues with same modem and they sent someone out and the guy said it was the modem being outdated. I just want to check before I call adelphia again, I would rather just go down to the office and swap out my modem than wait for a guy to come out to the house. Nem if you could let me know that would be great, thx in advance. :(

  6. You make me sick :) . I can't test the speed at dslreports.com since its down but I tested the dl speed at a couple other sites and got an average of 1057Kbps. I'll wait for a final verdict from dslreports.com when its back up though. Other sites always seem a little flakey and not consistent. B)



    your modem might have to reset and reprovisioned, my was real flakey for awhile and called them and they hooked me up been running great since.

  7. Has anyone noticed the free speed boost adelphia has started? I have powerlink premier and had a upload of 512-564kpbs about 60-65kbs now it's at about 874kbps avg. about 95kbs upload speed. 50% speed boost WooHoo!!!!!!!! :bump:


    If you have regular powerlink it's suppose to be a 33% speed boost, so 256kbps/30kbs upload should be up to around 342kbps/40kbs upload.


    Not really sure about the download speeds, I rarely find a place to max out my download speed anyways the only sure fire way to tell would be downloading multiple files from different locations and take a total.

  8. http://www.hardwareanalysis.com/content/article/1787/


    Wow that's crazy for the P4's latest chip to beat the AMD Athlon 64 FX55 it has to be clocked at 5.2ghz which is twice the clock speed of the AMD chip which only runs @2.6ghz.


    "Not surprising the Pentium 4 needs quite a boost in clock speed before it is able to convincingly beat the Athlon 64 FX55, at a clock speed of no less than 5.2GHz there’s no doubt about who takes the performance crown. And yes, that’s double the clock speed of the Athlon 64 FX55 processor which runs at a mere 2.6GHz. It has to be said though that reaching a 5.2GHz clock speed isn’t for the faint of heart; the motherboard chipset and memory run at their highest supported voltages and are cooled by a plethora of fans to keep them cool. The processor, running at maximum core voltage, is interfaced with the receiving end of a 1/2 hp compressor which releases high pressure R507 gas in the evaporator bringing the temperature down to a freezing -40 degrees Celsius."



  9. Well I have to give this patch an A++, it has made the lag in high traffic areas like the auction house about 100x better.


    Any custom UIs like Cosmos will have to be updated to match patch.

  10. Players, the following emergency patch was implemented into the game:




    World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.2.4 (2005-02-22)


    * We have deployed a client-side change that should improve performance when large numbers of players are gathered in a small area of the world. No other changes are included with this emergency patch.




    Since we are seeing a lot of players asking why this wasn't announced beforehand, please allow me to explain.


    We had high hopes for the performance boost that this patch would provide, however, were concerned about just how much improvement it would provide. If we had announced it earlier and the improvement would not be big then we would unnecessarily raise players' expectations.


    If you have difficulty using a UI mod, try using the Addons button found on the left hand side of the character select screen. We appreciate your patience and hope this emergency patch greatly improves performance in places like Ironforge, Orgrimmar, and in big scale PvP raids.

  11. http://download.beyondunreal.com/fileworks...inpatch3355.exe



    Patch Notes


    Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch 3355 Released



    Unreal Tournament 2004 Patch 6 Release notes.



    This patch is completely compatible with the retail version - servers and clients of any flavor can connect with each other.

    This patch will not overwrite your ut2004.ini and user.ini files, except to update settings as necessary. This patch

    includes all changes made in Patches 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.


    This patch should be installed *after* installing the Epic ECE Bonus Pack, as it updates some of the game code included

    with the bonus pack.


    General Gameplay:

    - Fixed stuttering/snagging/sinking into static meshes in some places on clients in net games

    - Improved getting out of water

    - Fixed FaceClassic teleporter exploit

    - The Cicada hud indicators should now show up in all game modes.

    - Fixed SPMA causing damage at world origin.

    - Fixed not being able to exit raptor when it's on the ground

    - Fixed (for assault) the energy core always showing on the HUD even if it not the current objective (thanks AngelMapper)



    - Server performance improvements

    - Cheating detection improvements, with shorter time for master server ban detection

    - Integration of UTAN bans with UT2004 master server. Admins can opt out by adding bIgnoreUTANBans=true to [ipDrv.MasterServerUplink]

    - Fixed potential garbage collection crash when changing levels during network games

    - Improved caching of server data for when you can't connect to the master server.

    - UTV updated (netspeed fix).

    - Better Client->Server->MS Error Messages


    Demo Recording:



    - Added code to insure StopDemo is executed before a map change or game exit

    - Remove 8x from the demo playback menu. The engine has problems with that speed.

    - Fixed bug in Demo Playback menu that caused the Play/Pause button to be out of sync

    - Added Demo playback jog keys to the console.

    - Left Cursor slows down playback (1/4x -> 1/2x)

    - Right cursor speeds ups playback (2x -> 4x)

    - Up/Down cursor resets to 1x

    - Disable by settings bDemoJogKeys=false in [XInterface.ExtendedConsole]



    - Improved level loading speed, especially on network clients

    - Fixed calling SetBase(NULL) on all attached actors when an actor is destroyed



    - Fix for importing static meshes



    - Model select page now properly selects the current character when you open it.

    - Korean localization updates.

    - VCTF now appears in server browser, even if you don't already have any VCTF maps installed.

    - Added code to sync the Stream (MP3) volume with normal music volume.

  12. whats the best mod to get for xbox? :lol:

    Depends on version of xbox you have the newest one version 1.6-1.6b xecuter 3 would be your best bet, if you have an older xbox you can get a xecuter 2.6 lite+ and it would do the trick and it cost about half the money as the 3. Here's a great site for finding out about the mod community for xbox lots of great info there and legit, so not a lot of downloads but good info.



  13. Plus my idea for WNYG guild was not to get as many people as possible but was to try to get all of us from the board and group to play together and help each other out. I wanted to try to keep mostly people we know IRL and keep the guild smaller and invite some outside people but keep it mainly for people from this area. If your inviting anyone and everyone it's not really a WNYG guild is it?!?

  14. You shoulda joined our server, our guild is almost up to 100 people and growing rapidly B)

    Well one thing I've learned about Guilds being in one now and one when I was in the closed beta, it's not how many people you have in there it's the quality of the people you have. I rather have a small guild with people I like playing with and don't mind helping. All you need is a few bad players and the guild goes to hell and it's starting to happen with the guild my main character is in now.

  15. Most of the stuff we've been trying to do are elite quests which you should have at least 3-4 people doing them not 2 but we were doing pretty well considering. We did some today that we kicked ass on but we had a priest and a druid with us, always helps to have healers :D rogue and fighter do alot damage but if we have someone to heal us we can keep the killing train going "/train" :D

  16. but i still prefer horde b.c a lot of pros i know are playing horde.

    Please define "pros" in terms of WoW...'cause I dont see how that is except for jobless/friendless dudes attempting to sell gold pieces on the Interweb for real money. WoW doesnt take skill...it takes time/persistence.

    Professional gamers from other games such as UT, painkiller, cs etc..

    Sry PerFecTion I thought you were talking about pro WoW players, the only ones I know of are the ones farming and power leveling characters for rl money which is an annoyance cause it keeps real players from being able to build up there own gold and stuff, hopefully

    Blizzard will put an end to it, I know they are banning any accounts that are used for that or accounts they find out bought things from the people who are selling stuff for real money. Like I said I've played both sides I just like the alliance side better but I've always loved playing elves even when I started playing D&D about 20 years ago when I was in 7th-8th grade(man I'm getting old :D ) If the Horde side had some dark or blood elves I'd be all over it. I wouldn't mind starting a tauren shaman though, I only have a orc warrior and a troll rogue right now which I haven't played to much because almost all my friends are playing alliance. I do like the idea of having 2 guilds though 1 alliance and 1 horde, best of both worlds I guess, If you and kalvinclyde are playing on the same server and want to start one there I would start up a character there and like to be a part of that. I was thinking of just starting one for the alliance on the bloodhoof server since most of the people(carcass, hefty, lilkev, jud*banned*, and a couple of other people I know from this area) are playing alliance on it. I was gonna try to get my main dude out of the guild he's in now so he can start the guild. We have been trying to help each other out as much as possible with equipment and trade skills supplies, which has been great . So let me know so I can start a character on your server, I should be able to power lev- one to at least 10th in a night or 2, also let me know what kinda of class and trade skills would help the most. :D


    PS-- Paroxysm -- it does take some skill to play WoW, not the same skill set u would need to play a FPS but a least some skill if you weren't that good it would take you awhile to lev ur guy unless you had alot a help from other characters. Yeah if enough time was spent anyone could level up a character but a good player could do it in alot less time.

  17. Yeah I have descent 3, still have my original copy from back in the day-circa 1999. It's weird that the game is that old already.

    Cool, next time when your neck isn't tormenting U, we should hook up & play @ a lan to see how we do. While there, U could also look up kalvinclyde & give him some pointers on how to post "intelligently", like when he's making truly narrowminded & thoughtless posts about gaming in WoW :evil:


    -- Nem

    lol, sounds like a plan Nem :P

  18. Don't think I'll be able to make this one after all, and I had everything pretty much set up with my server for HL2 DM too :P


    Just don't think my neck will allow me to drag everything over by myself since Carcass usually helps me and he can't make it to this one.


    Sorry Guys hopefully I'll be alright for 50 man LAN --- I'm really looking forward to it.


    maybe I can join up remotely

  19. Your chars barly match mine

    Oh I guess 33,20,15,14,8 lev characters barely match your 2 -- 20&14, hmmmm......... my ALT is just as high as your main. And my main I haven't been playing at all cause the rogue quests that I want to beat aren't finished yet by the developers so I just been playing my ALT's. And as paroxsym said there's no real pro in WoW anyone with enough time can lev up someone to 60th in a couple of weeks(5-6). I don't know why I even bother trying to talk to you about it cause it seems you got your mind made up about everything already but if you want to make up your guild go ahead. I was open to discussion about what faction we would play and what server but you kind of wanted to bypass what everyone else wanted to do, OH WELL I guess. :flush:


    Oh yeah I've seen 3-4 lev 50+ horde characters killing off lev 5 and below in the starting area of the human section in North Shore Abbey and they ran away to another area after 2 lev 45 characters showed up I thought the horde side was a bunch of lamers so "Now is that cool or is that skill?" :P So there are lamers and noobs on both sides, so I have one little piece of wisdom for you think before you type. I made the mistake once in another post thinking all horde were lamers when the truth is both sides have lamers and noobs. Plus orc, troll, and tauren women are butt ugly!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

  20. Well I guess it's better if some of us start our own guild since were a bunch of noobs, and we wouldn't want to slow you down :rotfl:

    since you really didn't want to have input from the rest of us playing. I guess you and perfection can try to start your own 2 person guild, but wait last time I knew perfection couldn't play because of account problems. I also know you have to sign up at least 10 characters sign a roster sheet to start a guild which you told me you didn't. Oh well, I guess I'm just a noob and don't know what I'm talking about :P cause I play Alliance and not Horde. I guess all my noob problems would go away if I played a horde character huh? Oh wait I do have a horde charcter and alliance so does that make me a half noob?!? :stfu:

  21. Undead would be nice, alliance suck, just bunch of noobs.

    Oh that's great I guess everyone on the alliance side sucks? huh? I guess that's why everyone else except you and perfection are playing Alliance and we're all noobs huh? most of us were playing games before you were born, :rotfl:

    Sry but that was kinda of a bad post, I 've played horde side and honestly I perfer the alliance side, It's my opinon but at least I didn't say the other faction sucks & are noobs!!!! And what lev are you to just be able to afford a guild now?


    Sorry but that post kinda of pissed me off and I'm in a mean mood today :evil: When you see me like this it means my neck is crunked and I'm in major pain


    "Quote from other topic

    Well it looks like we have about 6 people interested in starting a guild, 4 of us I know are playing Alliance not sure about some others. I'm playing on bloodhoof normal server now along w/ juddog,carcass, hefty and lilkev.My main character is in a guild already but have a couple of ALT characters that aren't (only around 15 lev). I figured on waiting till the new patch comes out that allows the server switching and maybe wait till the dust settles from that to try to pick a lower traffic server for us. I'm also thinking of staying with a normal server to avoid the PvP griefs of camping groups/guilds as much as possible. You can still do PvP on a normal server it's just not on all the time. And leaning towards Alliance unless everyone else wants to go Horde(sorry I almost always play a good character in any rpg I have a choice). And we'll have to think of a cool guild name, so any suggestions pm me or post here. "


    I think we could have up to 10 people right now ---- but most of us are playing Alliance and on Bloodhoof, most are around 10-15 lev , I have 5 characters on the server (33 lev rogue, 19th lev druid, 15th paladin, 14th lev mage, 8th lev hunter) carcass is up to 23-24 and not sure where juddog is? hefty is around 12th, lilkev is 20th, Another would be jaunday 11th I think, my other buddy is getting this week so he's gonna be low for a little while but he's a hardcore MMMORPG player(he's played everquest 1&2, FF XI, DAoC, and some others I think) so he should lev up quick


    ONE other Idea would be to Start 2 Guilds = 1 horde and 1 alliance

    You could start the Horde guild on your server but just to let you know All most all of us would have to start all new characters and would take alot to build are stuff up, that's if the other players would be willing to start new characters on other server. Most are just starting to get there alliance characters on bloodhoof to a descent level, I would be willing to start a new character on your server to play Horde in a guild and can probably power lev a guy to 10-15th pretty quick(1 or 2 nites) but as far getting some of the other players to take time away from there main dudes right now might be HARD :bonk:

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