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WNYG Club 500
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Everything posted by Conan4Life

  1. chainmail and leather accually :poster_stupid:
  2. mattering on the rule set the DnD rule set is based off the D20 (20 sided dice) system where most acctions are based off a roll of a d20 die an modifyed by level ussally, with you get cooled by killing stuff and gaining xp, the SRD is found here, this is mostly used in tabletop role playing... my ussal saturday night... dont knock it :poster_stupid: ... other systems use a their own varaibles such as oblivion/marrowind/daggerfall witch makes your carater cooler useing a skill based system that makes you cooler as you use your skills hybrid systems like some final fantasy games or diablo/WoW take ideas from bolth
  3. nice cad5 runs 8... but it looks like you copyed off your neighbor 6
  4. if their not bolth 6mb/768kb, ill bring mine along :welldone:
  5. could be worse, could look like myspace... i like the zoom in the pics
  6. signed , payed, clearing my schedule for the day
  7. Conan4Life

    NWN2 Goes GOLD

    note to self, pick up game
  8. come in to see whan the next big one is and the links are broken hows it going!?!
  9. ohhh i need some replacemnets
  10. is it here? ------------- 1.5 min later fixed
  11. Conan4Life

    Empire at War

    Alright been busy with a move and been camped out at my parents house till all is g2g again but had some time to binge on this game the game it self is desent, its no command and conqure but solid for what it was built for. the mix of 2d space combat .... space to ground assault and then thow darth vader and the empeor in with light sabers just rocks. the combat kinda does have a rock paper scissors feel to it sadily and no real good FMV and some sad endings to the campaign. the campain itself is playable with its own get this charater here so they can run a mission or take this planet to stop that and as ypou compleat objectives tech levels open up the lack of resource management other that "i own this planet, it gives me money" is really cool point... better than watching robots cut down trees. but good game and the cinimatic view roxors the soxors
  12. i still play doom and xcom thoes are 1994-ish
  13. wang... you can down load the source code now at the 3d relms sight.. they may have updated dukenukem forever now
  14. for exersixes i use silly puddy in mass amount , some little spring loaded device ive had since i was in grecro-roman wrassling and carring grocery bags just wth fingers ussally keeps thoes fingers loose for fraging
  15. holy crap you get 4 stst (the elephant looking walkers) walkers on th field it rocks the socks of anthing in the way just havent come across speederd to rope them down yet
  16. teh one quoted, get going, make a uber fleet, get it to meet the dirty rebels, crash
  17. probally going to be my first console in years
  18. too bad it crashed as soo as i get an uber fleet to meet up with theirs to crush the rebels space battles rock, ground pounding i need to play more
  19. 615 posts to 3 j00 b teh /\/00|3.. |)1/27y 7/20113/2
  20. Conan4Life

    beta testing!!

    Woo7 just got into the |)|)0 beta ill tell you all how kick ass it is at the lan hopefully
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