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Everything posted by PurSuiT

  1. "...and I feel fine."

  2. The highest recorded temperature ever on Christmas Day in Buffalo, NY was recorded in 1982 at a whooping 64 degrees. The highest amount of snow fall was recorded in 2002 at 8.4" and in 1993 it was looking like a green Christmas until 14.2" of snow fell at the airport on the 24th. In 2001 there was 19" of snow on the ground by the 25th. Over the last 132 years we have had 41 green Christmas's. So flip a coin and wish on a White Christmas for Buffalo, though there looks to be a little under a 2...

  3. Time to fire up the old Weber and grill some chicken. :)

  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-26/nintendo-says-1-2-million-consoles-sold-in-u-s-last-week.html Nintendo Co. has sold more than 1.2 million game consoles in the U.S. since Nov. 18, including 400,000 of its new Wii U with a touch-screen GamePad The first major console since 2006 was mostly sold out just days after it went on sale and new stocks were expected in stores in time for the Black Friday official start of the U.S. holiday shopping period, Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America, said last week. The high-definition console is offered in two versions costing about $300 and $350 with a 6.2-inch (16 centimeters) touch screen controller called the GamePad.
  5. http://news.cnet.com/8301-10805_3-57548406-75/microsoft-wont-bring-directx-11.1-to-windows-7/ Daniel Moth, a Microsoft program manager, broke the news that "at this point there is no plan for DirectX 11.1 to be made available on Windows 7."
  6. WNY Gamers Club December 2012 LAN Event Saturday December 8th, 2012 starting @ noon We have spots for 35 so let us know you're coming to guarantee one. The cost will be $5 per person to cover the hall rental, as such we will not be providing food or drinks. Food and drinks can be purchased from the bar/kitchen down stairs. We will be doing a 50/50 drawing. Thanks! Feel free to pass this invite along... Dome Stadium Inn 200 Main Street, Tonawanda, NY 14150 Directions
  7. Morning is wonderful. Its only drawback is that it comes at such an inconvenient time of day.

  8. Global warming was so nice until about an hour ago!

  9. Someone just pulled over in front of my driveway and asked what time dinner was, then complimented the savory smell of my smoking turkey and drove off before I could answer them... ...how rude.

  10. Only thing worse then sanding drywall, mudding it.

  11. MassiveLAN - Intel LANFest MLP'013 Winter Event! MLP'013 First winter MLP event ever! To sign up for our event you will need to log in to your LANFest account. If you don't have one you can sign up for free by clicking the link above (top right of this page). Once logged in you can register by clicking the HUGE HONKING ORANGE BUTTON above this box on the right. WHEN? January 11th, 12th, 13th. Doors open on Friday at 5pm! WHERE? The ol' casino at the Erie County Fairgrounds in Hamburg, NY. Help us make history and attend our 2013 winter event. This event we will have 32 VIP seats but order quick, they sold out fast last time. Prepay price is $30 for a normal seat, $40 VIP. Save yourself $10 at the door by prepaying. 100% of door entry proceeds go to charity! Don't forget to have your friends sign up. The more people we attend the bigger the prize pool, it's that simple. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to post in our forums or submit a support ticket above. More info? Check out our site and forums at the official MassiveLAN site.
  12. This is still a LAN favorite.
  13. I Love the 1880s on the history channel is awesome!

  14. "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." ~Henry Ford

  15. I have two Hannspree/Hanns-G 28" 1900*1200 LCD Monitor that I was using for Eyefinity and now just have not had the time to game as much so they are for sale, asking $225 each comes with DVI/HDMI, power cable, possible 1/8th inch audio cable (if I can find them) and OEM white box. Not sure of the model at the moment. Same monitors that I have brought out to LANs. Simular to this one on newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254026 I also have a 3rd one and would sell as a set of three for $600 If you are interested PM me and if you are going to the LAN this Saturday I can pack it up and bring it out. Thanks
  16. ...forgot to return the Redbox! Ugh!

  17. "Mom when they said you were going to die I refused to believe it could be true. How could I allow myself to even imagine saying goodbye to you." So much has changed and 20 years later I still feel that way ~ 11/01/1992

  18. One broken storm window, a wet front room and some drywall damage, could have always been worse.

  19. Free Redbox rental, includes bluray today for their 10th Birthday... Promo code "birthday" Enjoy!

  20. So Billy just asked if the debate was like a game show for president!

  21. Excuses, excuses, excuses! I find it strange when a friend assumes that just because you have the means to help them they deserve the help without trying to help themselves first by looking at and thinking about what they did to need help in the first place.

  22. WNY Gamers Club October 2012 LAN Event Saturday October 13th, 2012 starting @ noon We have spots for 35 so let us know you're coming to guarantee one. The cost will be $5 per person to cover the hall rental, as such we will not be providing food or drinks. Food and drinks can be purchased from kitchen down stairs from the hall if you would like. We will be doing a 50/50 drawing. Thanks! Feel free to pass this invite along... Dome Stadium Inn 200 Main Street, Tonawanda, NY 14150 Directions
  23. Cub Scout rocket launch day!

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