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experimental jason

WNY Gamers
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Everything posted by experimental jason

  1. I don't think that's a great argument against demos. Most I've seen are under a gig, or at most under 2. Even the cheapest ISP option is 10Mb/s. Besides, that's a huge form of advertising that I bet is cheaper then inundating websites with ads that nobody sees (adblocker). For example, just on gamespot, bioshock 1 demo has been downloaded 136,000 times. That's got to translate into sales. I'm sure there are other PC gamers hesitant to pull the trigger on a multi-platform game for the same reasons as me.
  2. Where is the Bioshock 2 demo? Do devs not release demos of their games anymore? How will I know if it is any good? To be honest, I'm sure it will be at least as good as the first. I never thought that the first one was nearly as amazing as everyone thought, but it was a decent ride. However, I can no longer buy a PC based on hype or its previous iterations. Take FEAR 2 for example. I love the first one, still whip it out for a run through the single player occasionally. I downloaded the demo for the second and couldn't stand it. It felt all wrong. The guns, the pacing, the AI--it was all dumbed down, slow, and felt weird. I can't describe it really--but the way you move, shoot, and the feel of guns is absolutely key for FPS games. They missed it. It felt like a rough port from the 360. Don't get me wrong, I have a 360, and it is fun for what it is--great for media center extender/zune/netflix/racing games/sims--but I'd never play any serious shooters on there. So now I am always wary of buying a PC game before playing the demo--because it could be a totally rough port. Sign. Anyway--anybody bought bioshock 2? does it "feel" right? not a port?
  3. You're thinking of Shattered Horizons, and that sounds good to me. I'll suggest UT3 or UT2004 for the running shooter. More people have 2004 and it's a bit more LAN friendly. UT3's kind of a port. I seem to remember the original stalker's MP being fun--nice weapons.
  4. AKA Pyrostasis Is WNYGC going to this as a group? or just as individuals?
  5. AKA Pyrostasis Hey, I had a great time. I've been lurking on here for a while, and finally decided to drop in on a LAN. Great guys, good times--so glad to see LAN parties still going on. Loved Shattered Horizon as a LAN game. Definitely some strategy games or dedicated shooters next time too. I'll be seeing a lot more of you guys. See you next month!
  6. Not that I object, but what's the point of it being 18+? Are we: Getting rid of young, annoying gamers who have just discovered swearing? Playing 8-player Descent I on our 386's? Erecting a cold cathode stripping pole? Tournament prizes are edible underwear? Voting?
  7. I'm new to your LAN group--never been to a party, just been lurking for a while. I think I'll come. What games are popular with your group? I didn't see a list and wanna pre-install some stuff. UT2004/UT3, SupCom, Killing floor, L4D, Crysis.... Or is this more like a 'bring everything' type of thing? If it's fun, I can probably bring some of my little 4-man crew to the next one.
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