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E.E. Gold Edition


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E.E. Gold Edition unable to start the game. BSOD Machine_Check_Exception.


I borrowed the game from my father in law he could not get it to work on his computer so I figured I would try my computer.

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Machine check exceptions are frequently caused by one of the following conditions:

• You are running the processor or mainboard beyond its specifications. For example, you are overclocking the processor or bus.

• Noisy power, overstressed power strips, outmatched power supplies and failing power supplies can destabilize your computer.

• Extreme thermal conditions caused by the failure of cooling devices such as fans may damage your computer.

• You have damaged memory or memory that is not the correct type for your computer.



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There are a lot threads about that error pointing to a failing piece of hardware.


Even this at MS seems to confirm it: MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION


Have you tried a bunch of other games to make sure its just EE gold doing it?

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I am able to play guild Wars. although the screen went all blue could see names of people but nothing else. I restarted the computer and went back inm and played the game for 2 hours straight.


I had the CPU OC a little 212 Mhz not even close to going over the limit for an AMD 3500 Venice core. The GPU was not OC. I am thinking it could be the sound card thats the oldest peice of hardware in computer 5 years old at least. Will play some other game Call of Duty and BF2. see how they perform.


Bummer don't have time or money to start swapping components.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently got a copy of FEAR that I am able to install and run. I can get 70 FPS in FEAR with medium settings. The sound is a bit crackly in some spots with a lot of gun fire. I still cannot play EE. Isn't FEAR a much more demanding game than EE.

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I am able to play guild Wars. although the screen went all blue could see names of people but nothing else. I restarted the computer and went back inm and played the game for 2 hours straight.


I had the CPU OC a little 212 Mhz not even close to going over the limit for an AMD 3500 Venice core. The GPU was not OC. I am thinking it could be the sound card thats the oldest peice of hardware in computer 5 years old at least. Will play some other game Call of Duty and BF2. see how they perform.


Bummer don't have time or money to start swapping components.

Sacred, did U try switching from your pci Sound Card to the one built into the Mobo itself? I'm curious to know if that helps or doesn't.


-- Nem

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Hmmm, you might run into an occasional game that does not like components being OC'd at all. I know EE2 behaves fine on my OC'd box, but it couldn't hurt to bring things back in line to factory, if for just one play session.

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